We won't have to get our power chairs from the lowest bidder, the ALS Registry is passed, veterans with ALS are presumed service connected and the budget cycle is done. I guess there's nothing left to do. Wrong answer.
Its breast cancer awareness month. Guess how I know that. There are pink ribbons everywhere, its has been on TV twenty times a day, its in the news and its the same month every year. You know what?! We should have that for ALS! Oh, we do? That's right in May. How many people other than PALS and CALS do you think know that?
A week into the month and I've seen at least a half dozen survivors on TV. Don't get me wrong I respect the work they've done and what they've endured. If anything I think we should learn from them. I feel the ALS Association has done an excellent job advocating for ALS with the government and have made great strides in PALS rights and funding. However because of that focus which has been required getting the word out to the public has suffered. I believe they are lacking resources as in people to attack both fronts. I do however have what I believe could be a solution.
We as a community have proven again and again that we are a force to be reckoned with. We have individuals whose creativity in spreading knowledge of ALS rivals that of da Vinci. What we tend to lack is focus.
Let's take a look at a hypothetical example. Let's say someone posts and idea on the PatientsLikeMe forum about getting Oprah to do a show about ALS. That's a pretty good idea so lets say a few hundred people email the Oprah show, "Hey Oprah, love the show. Any chance you can do one on ALS?" From past experience that's a no-go.

Now let's assume we've gotten our ducks in a row and come up with a show idea and some substantial meat and potatoes to go along with it. This isn't rocket science and is something I am certain a few members of the community could put together in nothing flat in a chat room or forum. This would be written up so that all people would have to do is cut and paste. If we're organized getting a tenth of the ALS population shouldn't be to difficult which means 4,000 people. Now if we get 4,000 people and their friends and family to email the same letter with substantial ideas do you think we might get a shot?
That is just one example there are many other applications such as the CVS fundraisers or American Legion involvement. I see this taking shape in a community run web page which will house ideas, events and works in progress. It could give a central location for people to sell their ALS fund raising goods such as bracelets or calendars.
I see a core group of individuals to act as a steering committee. Their responsibility is to focus the community as a whole on a given task. This should be done in cooperation with ALSA but would mean that one person could act as liaison, pass that information to the steering committee which then acts on and shares with the community. The community as a whole decides the best way to proceed which the steering committee then finalizes and gives to the community.
I have a domain available and could have a web page together along with a forum in short order. My question is what do you think? Also are their more than one or two people who read this but mostly what do you think and would you support such an endeavor? Please comment and tell your friends.
I like very much your blog!
I think your site is great I also have ALS and invite you to look at my blog. http://chuck1106.blogspot.com/
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